Our Services


We carry out the installation of heating services and systems including LTHW systems, underfloor, fan convectors, radiant heating & gas fired appliances. We have competent and qualified engineers experienced in the installation of plastic, copper & steel piped systems.


We carry out the installation and refurbishment of water services throughout the leisure, commercial, residential & retail sectors. As a Gas Safe and qualified unvented hot water installers we offer the complete installation package.


Qualified to IGEM/UP/1 (pipework up to 150mm in diameter any volume) purging, testing, decommissioning of existing systems and the installation of commercial direct and indirect heating plant. We also carry out gas safety surveys, issue yearly safety certificates on large installations, offer design assistance and advise on the correct safe method of work on all types of systems.

Above ground soil & waste systems

We carry out the installation of above ground soil & waste systems using a variety of materials

including cast iron, HDPE fusion weld, solvent weld and push fit plastics.


We carry out the installation of above ground rainwater systems using various different mediums cast iron and fusion HDPE being examples. We have extensive experience in the installation of rainwater infrastructure work for high rise building as well as multiple apartment developments.

Chilled water systems

Over the past few years we have been involved with several Chilled Water projects ranging

from hotels, manufacturing factories, data centres and offices. The services we can provide

include complete system installation, plant refurbishments and pipework alterations.